Wairarapa Organics - the local organization of organic growers and consumers - covers about 30 properties either certified organic or in transition. web: www.wairarapaorganics.org.nz

OFNZ - the body responsible for certifying organic properties whose produce will be consumed only within New Zealand and not exported. web: www.organicfarm.org.nz

GO Wairarapa - the Economic Development Agency for the Wairarapa. web: gowairarapa.com

Wairarapa Food Group - the local organization that organizes, among other things, the local Farmers' Market. email: steph@gowairarapa.com

Classic Wine Trail - the delightful excuse for tourists to move at a leisurely pace up the east coast pausing from town to town to check on the local vintners' offerings. web: www.classicwinetrail.co.nz

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